We are open Monday-Saturday from 9:00am-5:30pm by phone. Email always.
Welcome to one of America's oldest and largest used book shops. The Brattle features two floors of general used books, a third floor of rare & antiquarian books and an outside sale lot. An experienced buyer is available from 9:00am-5:00pm. See below for services we offer.

Have books to sell? We buy everything from single volumes to estates, condition providing.

See our online listing or fill out our search form to find that specific book you want.

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Check out our booth tomorrow at ssr小工具网址 book fair. What will you find? http://t.co/GFl4HxU9dj
RT @ajc: John Lewis’ Last Words: He wanted this essay to be published on the day of his funeral. http://t.co/AZhDutGyZE http://t.co/1TSvZay2eP
New Arrivals on the first floor- Children’s, Illustrated, Young Adult and Chapter Books.
Opening Day at Fenway! http://t.co/8EXoxLsKS0
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Libby Memorial Library--Old Orchard Beach, ME--POSTPONED
Pease Public Library--Plymouth, NH--Via ZOOM
Old Bridgewater Historical Society--POSTPONED
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South Berwick Public Library--South Berwick, ME